autre film GOLD
CANNES festival braced for Irish invasion as stars hit red carpet
...Other feature films include DARK TOUCH starring Missy Keating,
daughter of Boyzone star Ronan Keating and kely + Victor starring
Antonia Campbell-Hughes.
The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express®, is pleased to announce the selections for our Midnight section. With 7 horror titles leading our rebranded Midnight section, this category is a true celebration of this innovative, risky, and groundbreaking film genre.
This year, the stylish Dark Touch, written and directed by Marina de Van,
will have the honor of opening the 2013 Midnight Section.
Directed and written by Marina de Van (France) – World Premiere, Narrative
Niamh is the lone survivor of a bloody massacre after the furniture and objects in her family’s isolated house take on a monstrous life of their own. The police ignore her wild stories and the family friends and social worker who take her in try to introduce a new life. But in this psychological thriller, Niamh is unable to leave her violent past behind her, endangering everyone who crosses her path.
Un nouveau film pour MISSY la fille de RONAN
THE SEA,elle est dirigée par JOHN CONROY
le nouvel homme d'YVONNE

Le film sortira en FRANCE en DECEMBRE 2012
@yvonnekeating : great shots ... 9:29 - 20 Mars 12 via Twitter for iPhone
encouragent leur fille à faire du cinéma.
Elle fait ses débuts
dans un film d'horreur
nommé "DARK TOUCH."
Missy Keating, Marcella Plunkett & Padraic Delaney Feel ‘Dark Touch’
23 Feb 2012 :
Marcella Plunkett & Padraic Delaney

Marcella Plunkett (Stella Days), Padraic Delaney (Raw, The Wind That Shakes the Barley) and newcomer Missy Keating head the cast for Irish/Swedish horror feature film ‘Dark Touch’, currently filming on location in Ireland.
Written and directed by French filmmaker Marina de Van (Don’t Look Back, In My Skin), the project began principal photography in Ireland on February 13th. Production will move to locations in Sweden in early march for a further three week shoot.
‘Dark Touch’ tells the story of an isolated house in the country that takes on a life of its own, taking the lives of the family inside, leaving only a young girl Niamh as the sole survivor. The lead role of Niamh will be played by new Irish actress, 10 year old Missy Keating - daughter of Boyzone singer Ronan Keating and top Irish model Yvonne.
IFTA nominated actress Marcella Plunkett stars in Thaddeus O’Sullivan’s ‘Stella Days’ alongside Amy Huberman and Martin Sheen, released in Irish cinemas shortly, and Delaney will next be seen in Lenny Abrahamson’s ‘What Richard Did’.
Element Pictures are producing with Agat Films/Ex Nihilo and Filmgate Films with backing from Eurimages, the Irish Film Board, Section 481, Film I Väst and Wild Bunch
Team Keating @ronanofficial @yvonnekeating
Just heard the news about Missy's film role!!! How exciting!!
Congrats to Missy Keating, Ronan's 10-year-old daughter, who is set for a leading role in the horror flick 'Dark Touch'[/b]Retweeté par @TeamKeating
Yvonne keating :
Our daughter missy just confirmed for something big early next year.
Yvonne keating :
Read about our Christmas & New Year,
Missys movie,
and book recommendations in my latest @VIPmagaz column on the shelves now!

Dark Touch : frissons et télékinésie pour Marina de Van
par Fabien Lemercier
29/11/2011 - Fin janvier prochain débuteront les six semaines de tournage de la coproduction franco-irlando-suédoise Dark Touch de Marina De Van (photo). Pour ce film d’horreur et d’angoisse, la réalisatrice aura comme principaux acteurs de jeunes enfants irlandais encadrés par quelques comédiens professionnels locaux. Il s’agira du 4ème long métrage de l’originale cinéaste française après Dans ma peau [bande-annonce] (2002), Ne te retourne pas [bande-annonce] (séance de minuit au Festival de Cannes 2009) et la fiction TV Le Petit Poucet (section Horizons de la Mostra de Venise 2011).
Ecrit par Marina de Van (qui avait été nominée au César 2003 du meilleur scénario pour Huit Femmes [bande-annonce]), le scénario de Dark Touch démarre un soir, en pleine campagne avec une maison isolée qui s’anime, comme prise de folie : les objets et les meubles se déchaînent contre ses habitants. Niamh, 11 ans, est la seule rescapée du carnage sanglant que le mobilier a opéré : ses parents et son petit frère sont morts. La police suspecte une bande de tueurs vandales et ignore le témoignage de Niamh qui dénonce la rage meurtrière des objets et des lieux. Elle est provisoirement recueillie par Nat et Lucas, des amis de ses parents, qui s’efforcent d’apaiser son traumatisme en l’entourant d’amour et en lui aménageant une vie et une scolarité normales avec l’aide de l’assistante sociale du secteur. Mais Niamh ne s’apaise pas, bien au contraire… Autour d’elle, les signes du danger continuent de se manifester, et les lieux restent investis d’une violence tapie, qui ne tardera pas à se déclencher à nouveau et à faire de nouveaux carnages, de nouvelles victimes…
Produit par Patrick Sobelman pour la société parisienne Ex Nihilo, Dark Touch est coproduit à 36% par l’Irlande (via Element Pictures) et à 12% par la Suède (Filmgate). Soutenu par Eurimages à hauteur de 390 000 euros, le film a également été préacheté par Canal + et Ciné+. Le tournage se déroulera en Irlande pendant trois semaines pour les extérieurs et en Suède durant le même laps de temps pour les intérieurs. La distribution France est encore en négociations alors que les ventes internationales seront assurées par Wild Bunch.
A travers Agat Films, Patrick Sobelman compte également en post-production 38 témoins (ex Une nuit - lire l’ article) du Belge Lucas Belvaux avec Yvan Attal en tête d’affiche (distribution France Diaphana) et la coproduction franco-grecque Tu honoreras ta mère et ta mère de Brigitte Rouän (lire la news - distribution France Ad Vitam). Le producteur français vient aussi de tourner en secret Queen of Montreuil de la réalisatrice franco-américano-islandaise Solveig Anspach.
Marina de Van’s 'Dark Touch' In Pre-Production, Shooting Ireland Feb 2012
20 Dec 2011 : By Ciara Drohan
Marina deVan & Element Pictures' Ed Guiney
Element Pictures latest film ‘Dark Touch’, a French, Irish and Swedish co-production between Agat Films/Ex Nihilo, Filmgate Films and Element Pictures.
The film tells the story of an isolated house in the country that takes on a life of its own, taking the lives of the family inside, leaving only a young girl Niamh as the sole survivor.
The screenplay was written by French filmmaker Marina de Van (Don’t Look Back, In My Skin), who will also direct the film. It is an English language film and will be produced by Jean Luc Ormières (Hideaways, Dorothy Mills), Ed Guiney (The Guard, This Must Be The Place), Martina Niland (Grabbers, Once), Patrick Sobelman (Living on Love Alone, Don’t Look Back), and Sean Wheelan (Hideaways, The Girl With The Dragoon Tattoo).
Production Manager for the film will be Cathleen Dore (The Whistleblower, My Boy Jack) and production design by Tamara Conboy (King Arthur, Bloom). Director of Photography will be John Conroy (Jack Taylor; The Magdalene Martyrs, Parked) and it will be filmed on Digital TBC.
The shoot takes place for three weeks in Ireland, beginning on 13th February, and then moves to Sweden for a further three weeks. Post production for the film will take place in France with Editor Mike Fromentin (Mister Bob, One O One).
Casting for the film is currently taking place in Ireland under Louise Kiel
The film was funded by Eurimages, the Irish Film Board, Section 481, Film I Väst and Wild Bunch.
Casting call for feature film Dark Touch
Filed under: Uncategorized — 2 Comments November 15, 2011Louise Kiely Casting is about to start working on a feature film, Dark Touch.
t is a darkly sinister and thrilling Horror about a girl called Niamh who has telekinetic powers.
Director: Marina De Van (Don’t look back, In my Skin)
Producers: Ed Guiney and Jean-Luc Ormieres for Element Pictures Shoot: Middle/End of January for 6 weeks. Start Date: TBC
Location: 3 weeks in Ireland and 3 weeks in Sweden
Kids Casting (First Round): 24th to 27th November inclusive (Afternoons Mid-week and all Weekend)
Casting Venue: The Central Hotel; Exchequer Street, Dublin 2
We will hold recalls with the Director when she is in Ireland.
Adult Casting: TBC. Most likely early December.
Character Descriptions:
Niamh 11 (F)
A sweet and and fragile child who has been damaged by regular abuse and mistreatment from her parents which she cannot consciously remember. Niamh’s life becomes unbearable. She cannot fathom what happens to a building when she becomes distressed. When the “madness” happens, she hears loud piercing noises in her ears. She does not intend to hurt those around her. She fears being around adults and physical contact. She cannot relate to other children. Happiness is not a feeling she is familiar with. Beneath her cold, hard, yet protective shell, Niamh is a caring child who thirsts for love. This is a huge role for a young girl. The actress will be needed for nearly every scene of the film. Demands on the child will make this a tough (but also amazing) experience for the child we cast. Accent should be neutral Irish. Reference for Niamh is the girl in the Film, “Let the right one in”
Please note: It is very important that Niamh is still a girl/child and not a teenager. Lead Role.
Nat 30′s (F)
Like Niamh, Nat is gentle and fragile. She is tender and very sensitive. Devastated by the death of her child Mary years ago, Nat tries to pass on this love and motherly affection to Niamh. She is extremely intuitive. She unconsciously empathizes with Niamh. She hears the noises that Niamh hears but excuses the painful sound as tinnitus. Blinded by her clumsy love for Niamh and affection for her late parents, Nat sees nothing negative in Niamh. She defends Niamh to Lucas when he accuses Niamh of being strange. She works part-time in the town hall. She has lots of real friends in the village. Accent should be neutral Irish. This is a physically demanding role. Nat is brought to a very slow and painful end. She is a great character. Lead Role.
Lucas 30′s/40′s (M)
Lucas is a man of the soil, full of commonsense and pragmatism. He was devastated when Mary died years ago. He masks the pain that still exists, reining in his emotions. He is uncomfortable with Niamh. Out of loyalty to her parents and love for Nat, he welcomes her into his home. Very tender with his kids, he is a strong and loving father. He sees Niamh’s actions as a threat to his family unit. He fights to protect them against her. He works as an engineer in a factory, a few kilometres away from the hamlet. This is also a physically demanding role. Lucas is tortured at the end…lots of blood and broken bones! Lead Role.
Tanya Late 20′s/30′s (F)
Originally form Eastern Europe, Tanya is a lively, intelligent and sensitive woman who works as a social worker. Living life to the full, she is a positive person who has empathy for others. She is the only adult who is capable of guessing what Niamh’s torment stems from. She is pregnant. Tanya is the only person who Niamh exposes her own need for love to.
Peter and Emily 9-12
Two children; brother and sister; similar in age. They are regularly beaten by their mother. They are a frail, vulnerable pair. Physically they should have small frames. Peter and Emily become friends with Niamh quickly. Because of her supernatural powers, they regard her as a leader. The understand Niamh’s pain. The three children are separate and marginalised in school. Accent should be neutral Southern Irish. These two should be very strong little actors.
Ryan 8 (M)
Nat and Lucas’ son. He is a smart and charming little boy. He is bright and good at school. He gets on well with his sister but does not like Niamh. Accent should be Neutral Southern Irish.
Lucy 7 (F)
Lucy is a lovely, intelligent little girl. She is a good child for Nat and Lucas. She does not cause trouble. She attends the local school where she has lots of friends. She is probably a little afraid of Niamh. Accent should be Neutral Southern Irish.
Christina 30′s/40′s (F)
Christina is Peter and Emily’s alcoholic mother. She should be fierce looking and have a menacing quality that would immediately scare a child. She is probably a rather tragic character. She is physically violent with her children. She has a massive scene where the house actually beats her up and then kills her.
Lisbeth 30′s (F)
Lisbeth is a friend of Tanya and Nat’s from the town. She has a daughter, Anne, in the same school as the other children. Lisbeth is a friendly, warm woman who is a good mother. She asks Anne to invite Niamh to her birthday party. Niamh’s discomfort creates havoc at the party and a fire starts in the house; burning the dolls and some of the children.
Maud 30′s (F)
Maud is Niamh’s mother. We believe she is a warm and caring mother. From the outside, it seems that this is a normal, well-run house hold. We learn later that Maud and Henry are mis-treating Niamh. Maud is in a couple of scenes at the beginning but dies in a fire quite early on.
Henry 30′s (M)
Henry is Maud’s husband and Niamh’s father. Henry is a doctor. The family moved to the country recently for a quieter life-style. Henry treated Mary when she was ill with cancer years ago therefore Nat and Lucas are very grateful to Henry. Henry and Nat are abusing Niamh. Henry also dies in the house-fire.
Matthew 30′s/40′s (M)
Matthew is Niamh’s teacher at school. He is a calm, self-possessed individual who talks to kids like they are real people. Perhaps he coaches the soccer team and he probably doesn’t own a suit. He is Tanya’s husband and adores her. Matthew is a nice guy and a very good teacher.
Please contact Louise Kiely @
Dark Touch" : Marina De Van au bal du diable ! Cinéma > Tournages Posté par AlloCiné - jeudi 16 février 2012
Après "Dans ma peau" et "Ne te retourne pas", Marina De Van mettra en scène "Dark Touch", film d'horreur en langue anglaise, centré sur des évènements surnaturels et meutriers.
Des éléments fantastiques et/ou horrifiques, il y en a toujours eu dans les précédents longs métrages de Marina De Van (Dans ma peau et Ne te retourne pas), mais pas forcément de façon très apuyée. Avec Dark Touch, l'actrice-scénariste-réalisatrice va franchir le pas, et carrément plonger dans l'horreur, pour suivre les (més)aventures de Niamh : seule rescapée du massacre de sa famille, survenu lorsque leur maison s'est mise à vivre et à lancer son contenu sur ses occupants, la fillette est accueillie par deux amis de ses parents, mais les évènements surnaturels ne s'arrêtent pas pour autant. Il y aurait de la télékinésie dans l'air que ça ne nous étonnerait pas plus que ça, et on peut compter sur Marina De Van pour rendre l'ensemble glauque et flippant à souhait, elle qui a su développer des atmosphères inquiétantes par le passé, et [b]les premières images pourraient faire leur apparition dans les prochains mois[/b], vu que [b]le tournage, prévu en Irlande et en Suède et en langue anglaise, a débuté le 13 février[/b].
Avec Dark Touch, il y a donc de grandes chances que vous ne regardiez plus le mobilier de votre maison comme avant.