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Release Dates
Australia 14 March 2013
Hong Kong 30 May 2013
Portugal 19 September 2013
Australia 14 March 2013
Hong Kong 30 May 2013
Portugal 19 September 2013
le 17 JUILLET 2013 par SANITY
22 août 2013
Ronan Keating est le leader du groupe Boyzone, le célèbre boys band irlandais qui
fête actuellement ses 20 ans de carrière. Que se soit avec ses camarades ou en
solo, le succès est toujours au rendez-vous !
Pour votre plus grand
plaisir le chanteur a décidé de se lancer dans la comédie dans un film
romantique intitulé « Goddess ». Pour le moment celui-ci ne sortira
pas en Europe excepté au Portugal le 19 septembre prochain.
Malheureusement pour
vous mesdemoiselles, vous ne pourrez pas admirer les fesses de votre chanteur
préféré. En effet, Ronan apparaît dans une scène habillé uniquement d’un
tablier. Il fait la cuisine et c’est au moment où il se tourne qu’est dévoilé
cette partie intime de son corps. Cependant, si vous cherchez bien,
quelques photos sont diffusées sur la toile.
Lancement du film le 13 aout 2013 en
Lamprell @marklamprell
@MagdaSzubanski @lucydurack @annalieseszota @hugokjb Russian poster for
Goddess! Opens August
in Kiev
Lancement du film le 30 mai 2013 à HONG KONG
Ronan Keating in his first film role proves he can do more than just sing and is the perfect match for Kelly.
le film GODDESS en première semaine se place en 4ème position au box office .
. 13 Songs
Name | Artist | Time | Price | ||
| Welcome to My Kitchen Sink | Laura Michelle Kelly | 1:15 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| The Goddess | Dustin Clare | 2:36 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Be Careful What You Wish | Laura Michelle Kelly | 2:54 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Don't Give Up | Ronan Keating | 3:39 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Private Party | Laura Michelle Kelly | 2:15 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Tantrum | Laura Michelle Kelly | 1:25 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Mama's Shoes | Laura Michelle Kelly | 3:10 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Do You Know Who I Am | Magda Szubanski | 2:41 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Frozen Heart | Ronan Keating & Laura Michelle Kelly | 4:14 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Corporate Bitch | Laura Michelle Kelly | 2:30 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Waltz (feat. the Melbourne Studio Orchestra) | Bryony Marks | 1:34 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Don't Give Up | Laura Michelle Kelly | 1:02 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
| Finale | Laura Michelle Kelly | 3:30 | $1.69 | View In iTunes |
Laura Michelle Kelly
How was the rest of your birthday? [Michelle turned 32 on Monday.]
It was lovely! I went to Cafe Sydney and Catalina, and I had lots of friends around. It was wonderful. I love Australia. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I Skyped my family back in New Orleans so I’m OK.
Do you ever foresee yourself maybe moving back here?
I always did. I always saw myself moving here. And I haven’t made it to Bondi yet but that’s going to be the last three days of my trip! After this premiere I get a chance to breathe a bit, and I will go down there.
How does it feel to have your first big lead role in an Australia film?
It’s lovely! It’s a bit different from doing Sweeney Todd because that was such a big budget and we filmed over six months, which is a very long time, and it was a minor part. This has been so much fun because I really had a chance to enjoy it, and meet people like yourself, and to talk about the film itself is really great. Over there there’s a lady wearing the costume I wore in the film, did you see? It’s really fun!
You’re in pretty much 99 percent of this movie — did you get any downtime?
[Laughs] I didn’t. But that was voluntary and I didn’t mind. I sign up for the sleepless nights and
hard .practise
Mistress of her domain

It was lovely! I went to Cafe Sydney and Catalina, and I had lots of friends around. It was wonderful. I love Australia. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I Skyped my family back in New Orleans so I’m OK.
Do you ever foresee yourself maybe moving back here?
I always did. I always saw myself moving here. And I haven’t made it to Bondi yet but that’s going to be the last three days of my trip! After this premiere I get a chance to breathe a bit, and I will go down there.
How does it feel to have your first big lead role in an Australia film?
It’s lovely! It’s a bit different from doing Sweeney Todd because that was such a big budget and we filmed over six months, which is a very long time, and it was a minor part. This has been so much fun because I really had a chance to enjoy it, and meet people like yourself, and to talk about the film itself is really great. Over there there’s a lady wearing the costume I wore in the film, did you see? It’s really fun!
[Laughs] I didn’t. But that was voluntary and I didn’t mind. I sign up for the sleepless nights and
hard .practise
Mistress of her domain

Ronan Keating
How does it feel to bare your bottom to the world on the big screen in your first movie?
It’s kind of daunting and scary, but the thing is it’s the first thing people ask me, and I’m a bit worried about doing my first movie and getting my bum out! It wasn’t my plan. I’m definitely sure the first draft — that scene wasn’t in it. Definitely. So they convinced me to do it without that scene, and then they popped it in after I signed the deal. [Laughs] But you know what, these are the things you come up against and I was happy to do it. Easy.
Acting is something you’ve wanted to get into for a while, so how did you know this was a role that you wanted to be your first foray into cinema?
I didn’t really know what my first role should be. I’ve been trying for 12 years, trying everything from Moulin Rouge! to The Hobbit — I obviously didn’t get any of those roles. But I worked hard at trying to better myself, to be the best I could be. And finding someone who believed in me, which is a big challenge — who’s going to put me in a movie? It’s a big risk for any film, any director, any producer — so finding Mark Lamprell and Richard Keddie who believed in me, that was really what got it over the line. And I loved the script — brilliant, funny family movie.
Magda says you helped her a lot with her singing and recording session for her big song. Did that reciprocate? Did you get many tips from her?
I wasn’t on set with Magda, sadly. We don’t actually act together. I was in the studio when she was doing her vocals so we just bounced off each other, I helped her a little bit. She’s got a great voice.
Any scenes of yours that you liked filming the most?
I enjoyed the boys, hanging with the twins, they were amazing — having kids myself I could relate. Laura was so easy to work with, she’s a star. On so many levels I enjoyed making this movie. I didn’t want it to end. The last day was so sad for me.
Has your family seen the film?
Yep, everyone’s seen it, everyone loves it. It’s a really exciting time for me.

The Irish sensation and honorary Aussie joins us live at the desk to chat about his new film Goddess
Magda Szubanski will attend the world premiere of their new Australian film GODDESS in Sydney on Wednesday, March 6 following an appearance in Melbourne on Thursday, February 28.

Goddess arrives in Australian cinemas March 14Great news! We have confirmed the date for the Australian premiere of Goddess in Sydney!
Ronan Keating, Laura Michelle Kelly and Magda Szubanski will attend the Australian premiere of their new Australian film Goddess in Sydney on Wednesday, March 6 following an appearance in Melbourne on Thursday, February 28.
Based on the 1996 cult hit one-woman show, Sink Songs by Joanna Weinberg, Goddess is a feel- good musical full of catchy, original songs, vibrant dance routines and a cast of unforgettable characters.
When young mum Elspeth Dickens (Kelly), mother of naughty twin boys, installs a webcam in her kitchen, her funny sink-songs make her a cyber-sensation. While her husband James (Keating) is off saving the world’s whales, Elspeth is offered the chance of a lifetime by advertising guru Cassandra Wolfe (Szubanski) but when forced to choose between fame and family, the newly anointed internet goddess almost loses it all.
The film’s talented Australian ensemble includes Tamsin Carroll (Dusty: The Musical), Dustin Clare (McLeod’s Daughters), Lucy Durack (Legally Blonde: The Musical), Celia Ireland (All Saints), Hugo Johnstone-Burt (Cloudstreet) and Pia Miranda (Looking for Alibrandi). Cameron Lyon, comedian Corrine Grant and Australia’s most subscribed video blogger Natalie Tran also make their feature film debut.
Fans can expect more information closer to release.
premier extrait officiel du film GODDESS
interview à CANNES :
RONAN apparait à la minute 0.56

Selon les premiers échos de la projection de GODDESS à CANNES
le film est "great, original and funny"
c'est une comédie musicale romantique ,Ronan y est convainquant étonnant
il n'y a donc plus qu'à attendre.. pour s'en rendre vraiment compte sois même
En attendant voeux de réussite pour la suite donnée à son film
et pour le reste de ses projets et courage car il n'est pas seul .x
Laura Michelle Kelly and I on the red carpet at Cannes
RONAN admits his movie deut is risky
Ronan Keating Debuts With 'Goddess in the Marche du Film'
"Music is my love and life and I will never stop that," Keating told THR between planes.
"But this film is my foot in the door and I can't wait to get there [Cannes] and support this film."

les premières photos à CANNES
photos famous
photos newscom

Le film sera présenté au"Marché du film " à CANNES
en projection privée.
Monday 21st May at 18.00 Olympia 8
Tuesday 22nd May at 10.00 Olympia 5

Cannes 2012: Stars of Aussie Comedy 'Goddess' Set For Croisette Stunt
"Popstar Ronan Keating and musical theater star Laura Michelle Kelly packing their dancing shoes to support the film's market debut. "

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 sponsors commerciaux :
"Ronan Keating makes racy big screen debut "
Ronan said: "I believe it will show people I am capable of doing it. Hopefully someone else will believe in me."
Ce clip est accompagné d'une chanson de Ronan : "ITS ALRIGHT".
version de "its alright "dans le show de RONAN :


"GODDESS " est une comédie romantique chantée,
tournée l'année dernière en AUSTRALIE
RONAN a le rôle principal masculin
ce film participera en MAI 2012 au festival de CANNES.
ce film est dirigé par Mark Lamprell.
Ronan Keating et Laura Michelle Kelly chantent tous les deux .
Une parfaite combinaison -
Participe aussi Magda SZUBABSKI.
ronan dit :
"It's a romantic comedy, but it's also a musical. There is a bit of singing," "It has a great storyline and it's very funny."
Keating unsuccessfully tried out for a part in Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson's new movie, The Hobbit."That would have been truly amazing. Maybe next time,"
"I want to be a good actor. I'm very critical about anything I do,".
"The key with acting is to not act. That's what I'm trying to get my head around. It's all about being real, honest, true and becoming that character."

"It can be intimidating. I'm out of my comfort zone as an actor because I'm not an actor -- and maybe I never will be," he said. "It's new territory for me."
My plan was not to do a movie that had music in it. [Goddess] just came my way and I think it's the perfect transition for me. It's almost like a stepping stone -- a great way to cross over.
"And I love to sing. The funny thing is, I only have one and a half songs in this film."
Ronan admitted to be extremely nervous before his stint on set but as these pictures show he looks like he got the hang of the acting gig pretty quickly
I’ve wanted to act for a long time. I’ve been taking a few lessons and Sir Ian McKellen gave me the best advice: “Look them in the eye and tell them the truth.’
He also revealed that he was ‘bloody terrified’ ahead of filming but form these pictures it appears he already has the knack of it.
The singer, 34, told us: “I’m the lead in a rom-com. There are love scenes so you see me naked. I didn’t use a bum double. I left it au naturel, I didn’t need a shave.”

l'histoire est basée sur une femme nommée Elspeth Dickens,
rôle tenu par Laura Michelle Kelly

qui rêve d'évasions et cherche à trouver sa voie ,bien qu'elle soit cantonnée et isolée dans son rôle de femme au foyer avec ses jumeaux , son mari James rôle tenu par RONAN toujours en voyage autour du monde pour sauver les baleines ....., lui offre une webcam pour briser son isolement ,ce qui lui ouvrira les portes de la gloire et de la fortume mais qui aura tout de même un prix à payer....
It’s kind of daunting and scary, but the thing is it’s the first thing people ask me, and I’m a bit worried about doing my first movie and getting my bum out! It wasn’t my plan. I’m definitely sure the first draft — that scene wasn’t in it. Definitely. So they convinced me to do it without that scene, and then they popped it in after I signed the deal. [Laughs] But you know what, these are the things you come up against and I was happy to do it. Easy.
Acting is something you’ve wanted to get into for a while, so how did you know this was a role that you wanted to be your first foray into cinema?
I didn’t really know what my first role should be. I’ve been trying for 12 years, trying everything from Moulin Rouge! to The Hobbit — I obviously didn’t get any of those roles. But I worked hard at trying to better myself, to be the best I could be. And finding someone who believed in me, which is a big challenge — who’s going to put me in a movie? It’s a big risk for any film, any director, any producer — so finding Mark Lamprell and Richard Keddie who believed in me, that was really what got it over the line. And I loved the script — brilliant, funny family movie.
Magda says you helped her a lot with her singing and recording session for her big song. Did that reciprocate? Did you get many tips from her?
I wasn’t on set with Magda, sadly. We don’t actually act together. I was in the studio when she was doing her vocals so we just bounced off each other, I helped her a little bit. She’s got a great voice.
Any scenes of yours that you liked filming the most?
I enjoyed the boys, hanging with the twins, they were amazing — having kids myself I could relate. Laura was so easy to work with, she’s a star. On so many levels I enjoyed making this movie. I didn’t want it to end. The last day was so sad for me.
Has your family seen the film?
Yep, everyone’s seen it, everyone loves it. It’s a really exciting time for me.

The stars of the new Australian musical/comedy Goddess turned out for the world premiere at Event Cinemas, Bondi Junction in Sydney last night. The red carpet was decked out with a makeshift sink as the film’s lead, Elspeth Dickens (Laura Michelle Kelly), finds fame when she broadcasts her ‘sink songs’ on the Internet through her webcam. British actress Laura, who’s well-known in musical theatre circles, expressed her excitement at Australian audiences finally being able to watch the movie.
She said working on Goddess was “so much fun” and that she was sad to be leaving the country to return to LA.
Ronan Keating has his first acting role in the movie and said the most exciting thing for him was “finding someone who believed in me,” crediting director Mark Lamprell and producer Richard Keddie for giving him a chance.
Magda Szubanski told media how much hair, makeup and costume helped her get into character as advertising exec Cassandra Wolfe, and YouTube star Natalie Tran, who has a supporting role, said the experience of shooting the film was “really cool” because “usually I do things by myself like a loser, so it was pretty cool to see what it’s like when there are a lot of cameras and a lot of other people.”
— Goddess is out on Mar. 14.
She said working on Goddess was “so much fun” and that she was sad to be leaving the country to return to LA.
Magda Szubanski told media how much hair, makeup and costume helped her get into character as advertising exec Cassandra Wolfe, and YouTube star Natalie Tran, who has a supporting role, said the experience of shooting the film was “really cool” because “usually I do things by myself like a loser, so it was pretty cool to see what it’s like when there are a lot of cameras and a lot of other people.”
— Goddess is out on Mar. 14.
Laura Michelle Kelly, Magda Szubanski and Ronan Keating -
Screening of Australian musical-drama 'Goddess' at Village Gold Class Cinemas Jam Factory - Melbourne, Australia
The Irish sensation and honorary Aussie joins us live at the desk to chat about his new film Goddess
Ronan Keating, Laura Michelle Kelly & Magda Szubanski Confirmed For World Premiere Of 'Goddess'
GENERAL: Irish sensation Ronan Keating, West End and Broadway star Laura Michelle Kelly and much-loved comedMagda Szubanski will attend the world premiere of their new Australian film GODDESS in Sydney on Wednesday, March 6 following an appearance in Melbourne on Thursday, February 28.
Ronan et Magda Szubanski actrice dans Goddess

Goddess arrives in Australian cinemas March 14Great news! We have confirmed the date for the Australian premiere of Goddess in Sydney!
Ronan Keating, Laura Michelle Kelly and Magda Szubanski will attend the Australian premiere of their new Australian film Goddess in Sydney on Wednesday, March 6 following an appearance in Melbourne on Thursday, February 28.
Based on the 1996 cult hit one-woman show, Sink Songs by Joanna Weinberg, Goddess is a feel- good musical full of catchy, original songs, vibrant dance routines and a cast of unforgettable characters.
When young mum Elspeth Dickens (Kelly), mother of naughty twin boys, installs a webcam in her kitchen, her funny sink-songs make her a cyber-sensation. While her husband James (Keating) is off saving the world’s whales, Elspeth is offered the chance of a lifetime by advertising guru Cassandra Wolfe (Szubanski) but when forced to choose between fame and family, the newly anointed internet goddess almost loses it all.
The film’s talented Australian ensemble includes Tamsin Carroll (Dusty: The Musical), Dustin Clare (McLeod’s Daughters), Lucy Durack (Legally Blonde: The Musical), Celia Ireland (All Saints), Hugo Johnstone-Burt (Cloudstreet) and Pia Miranda (Looking for Alibrandi). Cameron Lyon, comedian Corrine Grant and Australia’s most subscribed video blogger Natalie Tran also make their feature film debut.
Fans can expect more information closer to release.
premier extrait officiel du film GODDESS
Quelques renseignements sur LAURA MICHELLE KELLY
interview à CANNES :
RONAN apparait à la minute 0.56

Selon les premiers échos de la projection de GODDESS à CANNES
le film est "great, original and funny"
c'est une comédie musicale romantique ,Ronan y est convainquant étonnant
il n'y a donc plus qu'à attendre.. pour s'en rendre vraiment compte sois même
En attendant voeux de réussite pour la suite donnée à son film
et pour le reste de ses projets et courage car il n'est pas seul .x
Jolie et étonnnante photo postée par RONAN lors de sa montée des marches au festival de CANNES
ce qui clôture son séjour à CANNES.
Ronan Keating: 'My debut movie Goddess is really cute'
"It's really cute, it's a romantic comedy. I sing a couple of songs.
It was great making it, I loved it."
RONAN admits his movie deut is risky
Ronan rubs shouders with Cannes elite
Ronan Keating Debuts With 'Goddess in the Marche du Film'
"But this film is my foot in the door and I can't wait to get there [Cannes] and support this film."

photos famous
photos newscom

Ronan Keating. Celebrities outside the Martinez Hotel during the 65th Cannes Film Festival. Cannes, France - 22.05.12

Le film sera présenté au"Marché du film " à CANNES
Monday 21st May at 18.00 Olympia 8
Tuesday 22nd May at 10.00 Olympia 5

Cannes 2012: Stars of Aussie Comedy 'Goddess' Set For Croisette Stunt
"Popstar Ronan Keating and musical theater star Laura Michelle Kelly packing their dancing shoes to support the film's market debut. "

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 sponsors commerciaux :
"Ronan Keating makes racy big screen debut "
Ronan said: "I believe it will show people I am capable of doing it. Hopefully someone else will believe in me."
Ce clip est accompagné d'une chanson de Ronan : "ITS ALRIGHT".
version de "its alright "dans le show de RONAN :


"GODDESS " est une comédie romantique chantée,
tournée l'année dernière en AUSTRALIE
RONAN a le rôle principal masculin
ce film participera en MAI 2012 au festival de CANNES.
ce film est dirigé par Mark Lamprell.
Ronan Keating et Laura Michelle Kelly chantent tous les deux .
Une parfaite combinaison -
Participe aussi Magda SZUBABSKI.
ronan dit :
"It's a romantic comedy, but it's also a musical. There is a bit of singing," "It has a great storyline and it's very funny."
Keating unsuccessfully tried out for a part in Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson's new movie, The Hobbit."That would have been truly amazing. Maybe next time,"
"I want to be a good actor. I'm very critical about anything I do,".
"The key with acting is to not act. That's what I'm trying to get my head around. It's all about being real, honest, true and becoming that character."

"It can be intimidating. I'm out of my comfort zone as an actor because I'm not an actor -- and maybe I never will be," he said. "It's new territory for me."
My plan was not to do a movie that had music in it. [Goddess] just came my way and I think it's the perfect transition for me. It's almost like a stepping stone -- a great way to cross over.
"And I love to sing. The funny thing is, I only have one and a half songs in this film."
Ronan admitted to be extremely nervous before his stint on set but as these pictures show he looks like he got the hang of the acting gig pretty quickly
I’ve wanted to act for a long time. I’ve been taking a few lessons and Sir Ian McKellen gave me the best advice: “Look them in the eye and tell them the truth.’
He also revealed that he was ‘bloody terrified’ ahead of filming but form these pictures it appears he already has the knack of it.
The singer, 34, told us: “I’m the lead in a rom-com. There are love scenes so you see me naked. I didn’t use a bum double. I left it au naturel, I didn’t need a shave.”

l'histoire est basée sur une femme nommée Elspeth Dickens,
rôle tenu par Laura Michelle Kelly
qui rêve d'évasions et cherche à trouver sa voie ,bien qu'elle soit cantonnée et isolée dans son rôle de femme au foyer avec ses jumeaux , son mari James rôle tenu par RONAN toujours en voyage autour du monde pour sauver les baleines ....., lui offre une webcam pour briser son isolement ,ce qui lui ouvrira les portes de la gloire et de la fortume mais qui aura tout de même un prix à payer....
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