.. a brief response to the telegraph's latest
headline; "Is the gig up for altiyan"? My answer;...Only in your
sweetest dreams...
Supernatural Fans, and to all those who give a damn, i'm back from America, where i have officially been offered a recording deal and the simultaneous release of my new album in France and the USA.
Thankyou so very very VERY much for making this trip and opportunity possible.
Although my hopeful and aspiring and "agent" in the States did not come through for me at all, i did score the good news in
will consider the best options for my new music over the next few weeks and
keep You informed.
Pleas know, even with the good news in Vegas, this trip was no mean "fun". Not even close. The city of
i currently have no manager so please be patient for further announcements.
a previous note, let me say that i am sincerely flattered at the Australian
media's relentless efforts to pervert the people's perceptions of my name, even
still. There are plenty more "controversies" to come, no doubt. My
fully completed book, "altiyan & Goliath" is not far away from making its
entrance into the public arena.
Every road i have traveled since my xfactor win has led me to horror and heartbreak. In truth, i haven't a single thing to apologise for. i might add that many (apologies) are in fact owed to me. i have been robbed, deceived, framed and dishonored. This was always my destiny.
Everywhere i go, i bring great division, yet in reality, there is NO greater compliment than that. Billy Corgan recently said that "being in the music business is like having someones foot jammed to the back of your neck". i second that notion.
There is, however, one very special and very pure thing that has come from this tragedy; An amazing collection of songs, which i have brought together nurtured meticulously and named "BornBeforeTheSun". It is, quite frankly..
My Masterpiece. After 18 months in the studio and over 20 long years in the making, it will humble, silence and inspire many, reaching through the clouds of doubt, to remind You that You are much more than the eye can ever see.
You know, i still smile at the sky, every single day, in glorious sad contemplation, for one simple and profound reason; We are all dying. And no ones getting out of here alive.. Like a fading and fragile flower, our vanity has not long to go.. i am still alive, still inlove with People, still crazy about my beautiful doG, still intouch with The Mystery that created me, and still fighting the good fight..
an attempt to better the life of my amazing father, before he goes. Love You So
Much Dad.
beYOUtiful People, (and the ugly ones too) Thankyou for refining my spirit, on this floating circus of souls.
beYOUtiful People, (and the ugly ones too) Thankyou for refining my spirit, on this floating circus of souls.
beYoutiful People, since my recent departure from my previous management and label, many wondrous opportunities have come knocking from America, where a label has fallen inlove with my new album, BornBeforeTheSun. We leave Sydney just after... our Goulburn gig, where this label will take my new music not only to You, who have stuck by me, but to the world. To the V.I.P purchasers, we are so very very close now. Please expect an email from Matt by Tuesday nite explaining the finer details, including a refund to those who aren't happy with the wait. To the beYoutiful People, and the critics; iLoveYou. ~9~
Altiyan Childs 11 mars.
are You changing the world, or is the world changing You..?
beYoutiful People, i just had to share with You my Yolli's classic smile in this pic. And btw, please know that as of this morning my official manager is now Matt Ryan-Garnsey.
Thankyou OMG for being good to my Supernatural Fans these past

"BORN BEFORE THE SUN" available for Pre-Sale Born Before the Sun
is hitting the stores on March 17th 2013,

Altiyan took to Facebook to share the news, and dedicated the track to a fan of his that recently passed away, Adeline Cox.
His post read: Dearest Adeline, This song was scheduled for my new album, but instead i have decided to record it early and acoustically, and dedicate it to You, as it seems that you may not be here in the flesh to receive that elusive 2nd album, the one who's hopes you've kept afloat amidst the greatest tribulations that a fan could ever be put through by forces outside and within. For that reason, and many more, you have my everlasting admiration.
For what it's worth, i promise You that i will give it wings, and that all the weight of the world will not overcome it. Your intense loyalty will not be forsaken, and i will not let it go in vain. May it's melody find your spirit, even though by then you will need no hope, nor reminder, that You. Are. Invincible. ...But before that secret gift is revealed to You, here is the song that i recorded for You, just 2 hours ago. It is raw, and even though my hands were shaking and my chair was squeaking, it comes from the only place i know; The Heart. ..I'll see you again myDear, ....inside The Mystery. GodLove.
X Factor winner Altiyan Childs signs with Oxygen Music releases new single and album November 16, 2012
ALTIYAN Childs has not returned to his cave, or his forklift job.
Childs has announced he has signed with indie label Oxygen Music Group
and will release a new single, Headlines, in December
The song is his comment on articles written about the X Factor winner over the past 12 months.
A strongly worded press release says: "It has been a struggle for Altiyan and his management to stay silent over the recent months with the persistent rumors that have constantly been spread about him
He will also release an album, Born Before The Sun, in early 2013.
"This album is 24 years in the making as far as I am concerned," Childs said in the statement.
"I would almost say this is my debut album as this is my first, real, honest album. The one I have always wanted to make, not an album I have been forced to make."
Childs released an album of cover versions, which went platinum, after his X Factor win - the regular route for most reality show victors
The website altiyan.com is offering the opportunity to become an "Alti-fan" and order pre-release VIP packages.
His new record label boss Vicki Gordon said of Childs
"We have been so impressed with how he has risen above the lies, gossip and rumors about him and stayed true to his unique and loyal fan base."
14 novembre 2012
Altiyan Childs has finally released his brand new album ‘Born Before The Sun’!
The ex X Factor winner took to his Facebook page today to share the happy news, posting:
"BeYOUtiful People! it has been a rollercoaster ride for me these past couple of years but today at 10am i was proud to announce that ........it is official; 1. Am Back."
"announcing my brand new single "Headlines" and the greatest collection of songs i have ever written in the new album "BornBeforeTheSun" and yes......… they are on sale RIGHT NOW via my new website www.altiyan.com as part of a limited edition gift pack for those Supernatural Fans who have walked this winding road with me."
"there are only 500 of these presale packs being released (with lyric book, posters, special edition album, shirt and even an excerpt from my soon-to-be-released book "Altiyan & Goliath".... so come in to the store on my website and grab (it) stay.amazing. altiyan"
This is exciting news for Alti-fans, and from what we've heard, the new music is going to impress them as much as they expected!
Well done for defying critics, and staying on your feet Altiyan!
Il chante son dernier single
"I am so proud of Altiyan's performance last night on #xfactorau he cemented the country's decision to vote for him last year"
3 hours ago
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