RONAN a vaincu ses peurs
il est entrain de réussi son challenge
V I D E O :
"Ronan launches Irish Sea swim"Ronan Keating said: "It's a massive challenge, daunting and scary.
If we succeed it will be monumental."
“The swimming has been incredibly tough,
but the whole team are pushing through & are determined
to make it to Dublin.”
"I'm not one of the advanced swimmers so
I'm concentrating on my swimming, my breathing
and keeping my body moving,"
"We were warned about the Lion's Mane
jellyfish but there are hundreds and it's frightening
when they are right there sitting in front of you.
"You gasp and lose your breath but
you've just got to keep moving.
"Thank God, we haven't seen any sharks,
I'm very happy about that."
We're pretty much half way across the Irish Sea now.
"It's an amazing feeling to think that at
nine o'clock last night we were in Holyhead, it was so daunting.
I was a little panicky, but kind of emotional, too.
"I just had to dive in and it was incredible.
"We've talked about it for 12 months
but it was finally happening, it was an incredible moment."
'It was daunting, it was frightening. As we went along we all found our rhythm and pace - the deep ocean swim was tough, your imagination was running away with you. But it's a euphoric feeling.'
'It's the toughest challenge I've ever come up against.'
Some of the team were stung on the face and on the arms.
I didn’t get stung thank God but I saw a lot of them.
‘I swam into them and came back out of it.’
The idea of the charity swim was a result of a chat Ronan had with Sir Richard Branson, who had intended to take part but had to pull out after his Caribbean home burnt down last month. 'Richard and I first talked about doing something last year' Says Ronan 'I liased with Cancer Research uk and they came up with this idea. It's the biggest challenge i've ever been up against. I've climbed Kilimanjaro, walked the Arctic Circle and done marathons but swimming the Irish Sea was 400 times scarier. I'm totally out of my comfort zone...i'm freezing cold, deep, murky water and with no sight of a coastline - I was pretty scared. The only comfort I had was that at least I was swimming home to Dublin'
The team completed the task in 35 hours and Ronan has no doubt what kept him going 'thinking about my mam' he says 'I miss her terribly and cry when I talk about her. I did it for her and so that others wont have to suffer like she did'
The singer admitted that he "must have been drunk" when he agreed to take part in the swim, but added that the loss of his mother to breast cancer 13 years ago inspired him to say yes
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